Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 5, 2016

Cool tips and Tricks for Gmail for Android

Unified Inbox

Gmail has added a unified inbox for your Gmail app, which makes it easy to combine all your email accounts into a simple mailbox.

To add multiple accounts to the app:

Click the drop down menu just below your avatar.
Enter your login and follow the instructions.
Items new mailbox will appear on the left side of the panel.
You can also switch between email accounts via the drop down menu just above all mailboxes.

Improve your search

Search for a certain email is not always an easy task in Gmail - or any other email platform for that matter. But Gmail's advanced search has overcome this problem by allowing you to find exactly what you're looking for in your inbox.

Search "from: Joe," for example, will show you all the messages you get from Joe. You can also search for messages sent before or after certain dates using the "before", "after", "older" and "newer" reminder. Google provides a full list of search operators, so you can start looking for more intelligent.

Make Gmail your according to your Mail

If you get a lot of email every day, it can take a long time to sort through all of them. Let Google do the work for you by train it to sort your emails correctly.

As of right now, Gmail offers quite a few different mailbox: Primary, Social, Square, Spam, and custom mailbox. Training Google to sort your mail properly, you will need to mark messages.

Let's say you find an important email in the primary (or Preferred) to your inbox. Just tap Settings and select "Mark as not important." You can do the same when transferring certain emails to different folders. Gmail will begin to learn that the email go and automatically place them in the appropriate location in the future.
Tips and Tricks for Cool Android Gmail for you to know about
Let's face it - email management can be a pain. Even with the proper equipment, it can be a chore to keep on top or sync multiple accounts. The good news is that Google has made it easy to keep tabs on your email through Gmail app. Even if you have multiple accounts on multiple platforms, you can stay organized by using this cool tips and tricks for Gmail for Android.

Google makes it easy to quickly perform actions in Gmail, can be especially useful if you are working through a backlog of email.
Gmail sign in
Swipe right or left to store messages.
Click on an individual image or a letter to select multiple messages at once. This will turn the individual images into a checkmark. Many activities will be listed at the top of the screen, including: deleting, archiving, and marked as read or unread.
Click the three dots along the More menu to access and make changes labels.
Reply and reply to all the functions are conveniently located on the right side of the conversation.
Take advantage of the rapid action to make your life easier and sorting through emails with ease
=>>Download Your Entire Gmail Account

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